Medical experts has said that, though all the parts of the human body are important, the brain is the most important part of the human body because it has a way of controlling the activities and functions of other parts of the body.
Panic and Anxiety Could Harm Your Brain!Get Rid of Them Now!
So, if the human body is a vehicle, the brain is at the driving seat – it’s the man behind the steering. As the survival of the commuters is at mercy of the driver so the survival of other parts of the human body is at the mercy of the brain.

How could you care for your brain? You care for your brain by eating healthy food. Proper nutrition enhances the functioning of your brain cells. Do not depend on processed, junk and fast food because they are not going to help your brain cells to develop properly. Research has shown that children that eat healthy food are often intelligent and always do well in school. The brain controls intelligence and processes information just like the information that the teacher passes across to the students.
Drug addiction is one thing that can damage your brain. Certain drugs and substances such as cocaine, marijuana and steroids endanger the healthy condition of the brain. So, if you are a drug addict then you have to stop now because you are at risk of suffering from brain damage.
Another thing you have to avoid is high blood pressure. High blood pressure affects the flow of blood round the body. This abnormal flow of blood has adverse effect on the brain cells thus leading to brain damage.
Research has shown that high blood pressure is caused by stress and depression. So you have to avoid all causes of stress and depression which include heartbreaks, conflict, divorce and unemployment.
Pamper your brain as much as you can and more importantly, as much as it needs because your entire body depends on it in one way or the other.

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