If not for sleep many people would have died. If not for sleep people like me would have been as awake as a fish in the ocean without thinking of retiring. If not for sleep the workaholics would have been working all day, all week long, and all year round. Sleep works wonders as far as human health and beauty are concerned. What I am talking about here is the night sleep because almost everybody sleeps at night.
Worn-out tissues of the human body are repaired during sleep. As we work during the day some tissues in our body become tired and dysfunctional but when we sleep particularly at night these tissues are put in order so that they can be useful the next day just in case you are going to need them.
Sleep helps your body to carry out life processes such as metabolism, cell division, and growth. Life processes are interrupted when one is carrying out daily activities such as working in the office.
Sleep unites the body. It brings together all the body parts that were scattered during the working hours or period.
Sleep aids digestion. It offers your body the opportunity to break down the foods that were consumed during the day. Digestion of food occurs better in the night when all the parts of the digestive system are relaxed.
Your skin condition is enhanced when you are sleeping. Sleep gives your skin the chance to be refreshed and renewed. Dead skin cells are replaced during sleep at night.
Sleep gives your skin care products chance to work properly. And this is why dermatologists often advise you to apply skin care products before retiring.
Medications work better while you are sleeping. This is why the physicians often recommend that you take your medications before going to sleep. The medications will have time to enter all the necessary parts of the body.
Bed rest is often recommended to people suffering from chronic diseases such as kidney failure, cancer, heart disease and liver problem. The rest is best observed while sleeping at night when everywhere is relatively quiet.
Sleep helps one to manage stress. People are stressed out because of certain disturbing events such as moving to a new place, starting a new job, setting up a new business, marriage, and conflict. But these sources of stress are forgotten when one is sleeping. So sleep is a source of stress management.
Sleep helps a person to control depression. There are many, many things that can make one to become depressed including broken relationship, unemployment, and death of a loved one. The more one broods on these causes the more frustrated he feels but when sleep sets in everything is thrown to the trash can thus making one to feel a lot better.
As you might have expected, these are just some health benefits of catching a sleep. I advise you to sleep well today because it will do you a lot of good. Your dream health may never be a reality unless you make up your mind to sleep and sleep real good.
Purusha Suktam
4 months ago
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