Wednesday, February 11, 2009
What is More Deadly Than HIV-AIDS?
HIV is the absolutely deadly virus that causes AIDS. In case you don't know or you know but probably you've forgot, HIV is the abbreviation for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
Then what about AIDS? AIDS is an abbreviation for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is the consequence of being attacked by HIV. The mission of HIV is to destroy the human immune system thus creating "opportunity" for various infections known as opportunistic infections to attack the victim.
The opportunistic infections include any deadly disease you can think of such as diabetes, kidney failure, heart disease, tuberculosis, eating disorders and liver disease. The infections include all the biggest health problems on earth because the immune system is now dysfunctional - it no longer protects the body from "deadly strangers". So every stranger is welcome!
I promised to inform you about the four ways through which one can contact HIV-AIDS. They include sexual intercourse between infected person and another person, sharing of unsterilized sharp instruments, blood transfusion, and mother-to-child transmission. So, it's advisable that young people abstain from any form of sexual relationship. Married people are advised to be faithful to their partners because having many partners can really make one susceptible to the disease. If you are so sick that you need some pints of blood to get going then make sure that the blood is well screened.
Research shows that more people have died as a result of stigmatization than those that died due to HIV-AIDS. Therefore, stigmatization kills more people than HIV-AIDS. People have failed to understand that people living with HIV-AIDS are not less human. Many, many people living with HIV-AIDS have been disowned by their parents and rejected by their friends and relatives. Some of them have been axed by their employers simply because they are ill like every other person.
Stigmatization makes people living with HIV-AIDS to feel frustrated, depressed, dejected and rejected by the world. So they think it's better to leave this world since they are no longer wanted here. As a matter of fact, stigmatization kills faster than HIV-AIDS and I think it's time for people that are not infected but have people living with the disease around them to show them enough respect and love.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Are There Weight Loss Advice and Tips For New Moms?
Maybe she has to be obese so that people will say that the husband is taking good care of her. Maybe she has to be overweight because that will show that she was eating very well before the child bearing. As a matter of fact, obesity is not a mark of living in affluence and it has never been a mark of eating good food or eating very well.
An obese new mom is simply exposing herself to severe health complications such as diabetes mellitus, heart problem, high blood pressure and hepatitis. So, if you are a new mom, you have to be mindful of what enters your mouth as food.
Here are some tips that will help you as a new mom to shed off those extra pounds.
First of all, you have to take more of dietary fiber such as vegetables and fruit. You have to take green tea because green tea is one of those natural herbs that are very medicinal.
Another thing you have to do is that you should try to avoid sugars. My traditional formula for dieting says "Low calories, low fats and low sugars win the war against overweight or obesity.
You have to make sure that you eat a well balanced diet. Your meal, in accordance with the formula, should contain food that will not increase your blood sugar, cholesterol or body fat.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Do You Really Need to Drink Water?
Water is one the major reasons why living things are alive. Plants and animals need some percentage of water to survive. I bet you, if it is removed from the earth living beings including you will not live to tell the story.
The whole earth is surrounded by water; this is why if you start digging the ground at a point you will start seeing some amount of it.
Human beings are made up of systems such as digestive system, urinary system, digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system reproductive system and transport system. The truth is that your entire body structure and systems will stop working if your body lacks water. Why?
The transportation of food particles around the human body is made possible and/or easier because of the presence of water in the body system. So, if there is little or no water in your body you stand the risk of having a health problem related to inadequate transportation of food materials round the body.
Fruits such as mango, cashew, orange, apple and pineapple contain some amount of water. So, you may say that you get enough water from these fruits but the fact is that you can't get the amount you need to keep your body in top shape from just fruits.
You need enough water in your body system because it can actually help to maintain the beautiful nature of your skin by eliminating the impurities in your blood.
The digestion of food is made easy by water. Indigestion, constipation and other eating disorder can be remedied by taking of enough amount of water.
There is no way you can live without water so you have to take the issue of drinking water very seriously. Research by top scientists has shown that all living things including humans came from water which means that if you separate your daily living from water you die before your time.
You really need to drink water if you really need to survive on earth because your life depends, to a large extent, on it. Lack of water is better imagined than experienced. Drink water and be healthy.
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Article Source: Expert Author=Raymond Edeh
Friday, January 16, 2009
What You Need to Know About Cancer of the Liver
Researchers in hospitals and medical centers around the globe are working round the clock to discover more about what causes liver cancer but research has shown that there are risk factors that can make a person to develop breast cancer. Research report shows that infections such as chronic Hepatitis B or C which are caused by viruses can lead to liver cancer.
These viruses can be passed from one person onto another through blood transfusion, sharing of sharp instruments such as needles, and sexual intercourse. A newborn child may also contact these viruses through the infected mother. Cancer of the liver can develop after many years of infection with the virus.
These infections may not necessarily show any signs and symptoms but blood tests can show whether either hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus is present. If any of the two viruses is there then the doctor may prescribe some medications. Also the doctor may advise the person on ways to avoid infecting other people.
Hepatitis B vaccine can prevent chronic hepatitis B infection if the person is not yet infected with hepatitis B virus. And can protect the liver from developing liver cancer.
Research has also shown that cirrhosis may cause liver cancer. Cirrhosis is a disease that develops when liver cells are damaged and replaced with scar tissue. Cirrhosis may be caused by alcohol addiction, side-effects or complications due to certain medications, harmful chemicals and microbes such as viruses and some parasites. Medical reports show that 5% of people suffering from cirrhosis later develop liver cancer.
Liver cancer is prevalent among the middle-aged and elderly people. Also the disease is twice as common in men as in women.
The disease is rare in the United Kingdom and other countries in the Western World. It is common in tropical Africa and various parts of Asia.
There are two basic or primary types of liver cancer which are Hepatoma or Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and Cholangiocarcinoma or bile duct cancer. The former is more common in men while the later is more common in women.
Cancer of the liver shows no signs and symptoms in the early stages of the disease but shows signs on the long run. Common signs and symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea (feeling sick), weakness, and tiredness.
The disease can be treated by surgery, lobectomy, liver resection, liver transplant, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, it's highly advisable that you visit your doctor if you think that you are at risk of developing the disease so that he will check your body and make relevant recommendations and suggestions.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
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Sunday, January 11, 2009
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Thursday, January 8, 2009
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Causes of Panic Attacks
One of the biggest myths surrounding anxiety is that it is harmful and can lead to a number of various life-threatening conditions such as stroke and heart attack.
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Definition of Anxiety
Anxiety is defined as a state of apprehension or fear resulting from the anticipation of a real or imagined threat, event, or situation. It is one of the most common human emotions experienced by people at some point in their lives.
However, most people who have never experienced a panic attack, or extreme anxiety, fail to realize the terrifying nature of the experience. Extreme dizziness, blurred vision, tingling and feelings of breathlessness—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
When these sensations occur and people do not understand why, they feel they have contracted an illness, or a serious mental condition. The threat of losing complete control seems very real and naturally very terrifying.
Fight/Flight Response: One of the root causes of panic attacks?
I am sure most of you have heard of the fight/flight response as an explanation for one of the root causes of panic attacks. Have you made the connection between this response and the unusual sensations you experience during and after a panic attack episode?
Anxiety is a response to a danger or threat. It is so named because all of its effects are aimed toward either fighting or fleeing from the danger. Thus, the sole purpose of anxiety is to protect the individual from harm. This may seem ironic given that you no doubt feel your anxiety is actually causing you great harm...perhaps the most significant of all the causes of panic attacks.
However, the anxiety that the fight/flight response created was vital in the daily survival of our ancient ancestors—when faced with some danger, an automatic response would take over that propelled them to take immediate action such as attack or run. Even in today's hectic world, this is still a necessary mechanism. It comes in useful when you must respond to a real threat within a split second.
Anxiety is a built-in mechanism to protect us from danger. Interestingly, it is a mechanism that protects but does not harm—an important point that will be elaborated upon later.
The Physical Manifestations of a Panic Attack: Other pieces of the puzzle to understand the causes of panic attacks. Nervousness and Chemical Effects...
When confronted with danger, the brain sends signals to a section of the nervous system. It is this system that is responsible for gearing the body up for action and also calms the body down and restores equilibrium. To carry out these two vital functions, the autonomic nervous system has two subsections, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.
Although I don't want to become too "scientific," having a basic understanding of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system will help you understand the causes of panic attacks.
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The sympathetic nervous system is the one we tend to know all too much about because it primes our body for action, readies us for the “fight or flight” response, while the parasympathetic nervous system is the one we love dearly as it serves as our restoring system, which returns the body to its normal state.
When either of these systems is activated, they stimulate the whole body, which has an “all or nothing” effect. This explains why when a panic attack occurs, the individual often feels a number of different sensations throughout the body.
The sympathetic system is responsible for releasing the adrenaline from the adrenal glands on the kidneys. These are small glands located just above the kidneys. Less known, however, is that the adrenal glands also release adrenaline, which functions as the body’s chemical messengers to keep the activity going. When a panic attack begins, it does not switch off as easily as it is turned on. There is always a period of what would seem increased or continued anxiety, as these messengers travel throughout the body. Think of them as one of the physiological causes of panic attacks, if you will.
After a period of time, the parasympathetic nervous system gets called into action. Its role is to return the body to normal functioning once the perceived danger is gone. The parasympathetic system is the system we all know and love, because it returns us to a calm relaxed state.
When we engage in a coping strategy that we have learned, for example, a relaxation technique, we are in fact willing the parasympathetic nervous system into action. A good thing to remember is that this system will be brought into action at some stage whether we will it or not. The body cannot continue in an ever-increasing spiral of anxiety. It reaches a point where it simply must kick in, relaxing the body. This is one of the many built-in protection systems our bodies have for survival.
You can do your best with worrying thoughts, keeping the sympathetic nervous system going, but eventually it stops. In time, it becomes a little smarter than us, and realizes that there really is no danger. Our bodies are incredibly intelligent—modern science is always discovering amazing patterns of intelligence that run throughout the cells of our body. Our body seems to have infinite ways of dealing with the most complicated array of functions we take for granted. Rest assured that your body’s primary goal is to keep you alive and well.
Not so convinced?
Try holding your breath for as long as you can. No matter how strong your mental will is, it can never override the will of the body. This is good news—no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that you are gong to die from a panic attack, you won’t. Your body will override that fear and search for a state of balance. There has never been a reported incident of someone dying from a panic attack.
Remember this next time you have a panic attack; he causes of panic attacks cannot do you any physical harm. Your mind may make the sensations continue longer than the body intended, but eventually everything will return to a state of balance. In fact, balance (homeostasis) is what our body continually strives for.
The interference for your body is nothing more than the sensations of doing rigorous exercise. Our body is not alarmed by these symptoms. Why should it be? It knows its own capability. It’s our thinking minds that panic, which overreact and scream in sheer terror! We tend to fear the worst and exaggerate our own sensations. A quickened heart beat becomes a heart attack. An overactive mind seems like a close shave with schizophrenia. Is it our fault? Not really—we are simply diagnosing from poor information.
Cardiovascular Effects Activity in the sympathetic nervous system increases our heartbeat rate, speeds up the blood flow throughout the body, ensures all areas are well supplied with oxygen and that waste products are removed. This happens in order to prime the body for action.
A fascinating feature of the “fight or flight” mechanism is that blood (which is channelled from areas where it is currently not needed by a tightening of the blood vessels) is brought to areas where it is urgently needed.
For example, should there be a physical attack, blood drains from the skin, fingers, and toes so that less blood is lost, and is moved to “active areas” such as the thighs and biceps to help the body prepare for action.
This is why many feel numbness and tingling during a panic attack-often misinterpreted as some serious health risk-such as the precursor to a heart attack. Interestingly, most people who suffer from anxiety often feel they have heart problems. If you are really worried that such is the case with your situation, visit your doctor and have it checked out. At least then you can put your mind at rest.
Respiratory Effects
One of the scariest effects of a panic attack is the fear of suffocating or smothering. It is very common during a panic attack to feel tightness in the chest and throat. I’m sure everyone can relate to some fear of losing control of your breathing. From personal experience, anxiety grows from the fear that your breathing itself would cease and you would be unable to recover. Can a panic attack stop our breathing? No.
A panic attack is associated with an increase in the speed and depth of breathing. This has obvious importance for the defense of the body since the tissues need to get more oxygen to prepare for action. The feelings produced by this increase in breathing, however, can include breathlessness, hyperventilation, sensations of choking or smothering, and even pains or tightness in the chest. The real problem is that these sensations are alien to us, and they feel unnatural.
Having experienced extreme panic attacks myself, I remember that on many occasions, I would have this feeling that I couldn’t trust my body to do the breathing for me, so I would have to manually take over and tell myself when to breathe in and when to breathe out. Of course, this didn’t suit my body’s requirement of oxygen and so the sensations would intensify—along with the anxiety. It was only when I employed the technique I will describe for you later, did I let the body continue doing what it does best—running the whole show.
Importantly, a side-effect of increased breathing, (especially if no actual activity occurs) is that the blood supply to the head is actually decreased. While such a decrease is only a small amount and is not at all dangerous, it produces a variety of unpleasant but harmless symptoms that include dizziness, blurred vision, confusion, sense of unreality, and hot flushes.
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Other Physical Effects of Panic Attacks:
Now that we've discussed some of the primary physiological causes of panic attacks, there are a number of other effects that are produced by the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, none of which are in any way harmful.
For example, the pupils widen to let in more light, which may result in blurred vision, or “seeing” stars, etc. There is a decrease in salivation, resulting in dry mouth. There is decreased activity in the digestive system, which often produces nausea, a heavy feeling in the stomach, and even constipation. Finally, many of the muscle groups tense up in preparation for “fight or flight” and this results in subjective feelings of tension, sometimes extending to actual aches and pains, as well as trembling and shaking.
Overall, the fight/flight response results in a general activation of the whole bodily metabolism. Thus, one often feels hot and flushed and, because this process takes a lot of energy, the person generally feels tired and drained.
Mental Manifestations: Are the causes of panic attacks all in my head? is a question many people wonder to themselves.
The goal of the fight/flight response is making the individual aware of the potential danger that may be present. Therefore, when activated, the mental priority is placed upon searching the surroundings for potential threats. In this state one is highly-strung, so to speak. It is very difficult to concentrate on any one activity, as the mind has been trained to seek all potential threats and not to give up until the threat has been identified. As soon as the panic hits, many people look for the quick and easiest exit from their current surroundings, such as by simply leaving the bank queue and walking outside. Sometimes the anxiety can heighten, if we perceive that leaving will cause some sort of social embarrassment.
If you have a panic attack while at the workplace but feel you must press on with whatever task it is you are doing, it is quite understandable that you would find it very hard to concentrate. It is quite common to become agitated and generally restless in such a situation. Many individuals I have worked with who have suffered from panic attacks over the years indicated that artificial light—such as that which comes from computer monitors and televisions screens—can can be one of the causes of panic attacks by triggering them or worsen a panic attack, particularly if the person is feeling tired or run down.
This is worth bearing in mind if you work for long periods of time on a computer. Regular break reminders should be set up on your computer to remind you to get up from the desk and get some fresh air when possible.
In other situations, when during a panic attack an outside threat cannot normally be found, the mind turns inwards and begins to contemplate the possible illness the body or mind could be suffering from. This ranges from thinking it might have been something you ate at lunch, to the possibility of an oncoming cardiac arrest.
The burning question is: Why is the fight/flight response activated during a panic attack even when there is apparently nothing to be frightened of?
Upon closer examination of the causes of panic attacks, it would appear that what we are afraid of are the sensations themselves—we are afraid of the body losing control. These unexpected physical symptoms create the fear or panic that something is terribly wrong. Why do you experience the physical symptoms of the fight/flight response if you are not frightened to begin with? There are many ways these symptoms can manifest themselves, not just through fear.
For example, it may be that you have become generally stressed for some reason in your life, and this stress results in an increase in the production of adrenaline and other chemicals, which from time to time, would produce symptoms....and which you perceive as the causes of panic attacks.
This increased adrenaline can be maintained chemically in the body, even after the stress has long gone. Another possibility is diet, which directly affects our level of stress. Excess caffeine, alcohol, or sugar is known for causing stress in the body, and is believed to be one of the contributing factors of the causes of panic attacks (Chapter 5 gives a full discussion on diet and its importance).
Unresolved emotions are often pointed to as possible trigger of panic attacks, but it is important to point out that eliminating panic attacks from your life does not necessarily mean analyzing your psyche and digging into your subconscious. The “One Move” technique will teach you to deal with the present moment and defuse the attack along with removing the underlying anxiety that sparks the initial anxiety.
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Joe Barry is an international panic disorder coach.
Product Rating : 12/10
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Health Benefits of Sleep
Worn-out tissues of the human body are repaired during sleep. As we work during the day some tissues in our body become tired and dysfunctional but when we sleep particularly at night these tissues are put in order so that they can be useful the next day just in case you are going to need them.
Sleep helps your body to carry out life processes such as metabolism, cell division, and growth. Life processes are interrupted when one is carrying out daily activities such as working in the office.
Sleep unites the body. It brings together all the body parts that were scattered during the working hours or period.
Sleep aids digestion. It offers your body the opportunity to break down the foods that were consumed during the day. Digestion of food occurs better in the night when all the parts of the digestive system are relaxed.
Your skin condition is enhanced when you are sleeping. Sleep gives your skin the chance to be refreshed and renewed. Dead skin cells are replaced during sleep at night.
Sleep gives your skin care products chance to work properly. And this is why dermatologists often advise you to apply skin care products before retiring.
Medications work better while you are sleeping. This is why the physicians often recommend that you take your medications before going to sleep. The medications will have time to enter all the necessary parts of the body.
Bed rest is often recommended to people suffering from chronic diseases such as kidney failure, cancer, heart disease and liver problem. The rest is best observed while sleeping at night when everywhere is relatively quiet.
Sleep helps one to manage stress. People are stressed out because of certain disturbing events such as moving to a new place, starting a new job, setting up a new business, marriage, and conflict. But these sources of stress are forgotten when one is sleeping. So sleep is a source of stress management.
Sleep helps a person to control depression. There are many, many things that can make one to become depressed including broken relationship, unemployment, and death of a loved one. The more one broods on these causes the more frustrated he feels but when sleep sets in everything is thrown to the trash can thus making one to feel a lot better.
As you might have expected, these are just some health benefits of catching a sleep. I advise you to sleep well today because it will do you a lot of good. Your dream health may never be a reality unless you make up your mind to sleep and sleep real good.
The Health Benefits of Going on Vacation
Well, I am not just talking about renting holiday homes, resorts, parks and villas but I am talking about the health benefits of going on vacation maybe to any of these wonderful places in the world. Yes it has some unknown health benefits.
Going to resorts for vacation takes you away from normal hustle and bustle which the normal business world is known for. The business world does not give you the chance to take care of yourself. But if you go on vacation you will have enough time to take proper care of yourself thus making you to be healthy.
If you go on vacation you will have time to take care of your skin so you have a beautiful skin to show for it. The atmosphere you will experience during the vacation is enough to condition your skin. For example, Florida in the United States is known worldwide for having an enviable climatic condition and this is why is popularly known as the “Sunshine State”.
The energy from the sun provides us with vitamin D which enhances the healthy condition of our skin. It might interest you to know that Florida boasts over 300 days of sunshine each year. Remember that there are 365 or 366 days in a year! Actually, Florida is an outstanding "must 'go-to" place. But I advise you to avoid staying in hotels and motels if you can.
Renting a new and well appointed spacious holiday home or villa or vacation rental property or for that matter any other form of self-catering accommodation will give you (and the family) the freedom to come and go as you please thus allowing you to make the most of what the "Sunshine State" has to offer. Various well balanced diets you eat while on vacation makes you healthy. So you might be thinking right now of visiting Florida next summer.
Going on vacation brings you to a serene environment where you will forget your sorrows and it creates an avenue for you to see the world as natural and peaceful as it supposed to be. You will experience peace. Having peace of mind makes one to be and stay healthy. It takes you away from all the sources of stress, depression and hypertension.
If you had never gone on vacation before or you don’t like going on vacation because you think it’s a waste of time, I urge you to change your value system and mindset. Going on vacation means a lot to your health so you have to place it as one of your priorities next holidays.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Do You Care For Your Brain?
Medical experts has said that, though all the parts of the human body are important, the brain is the most important part of the human body because it has a way of controlling the activities and functions of other parts of the body.
Panic and Anxiety Could Harm Your Brain!Get Rid of Them Now!
So, if the human body is a vehicle, the brain is at the driving seat – it’s the man behind the steering. As the survival of the commuters is at mercy of the driver so the survival of other parts of the human body is at the mercy of the brain.

How could you care for your brain? You care for your brain by eating healthy food. Proper nutrition enhances the functioning of your brain cells. Do not depend on processed, junk and fast food because they are not going to help your brain cells to develop properly. Research has shown that children that eat healthy food are often intelligent and always do well in school. The brain controls intelligence and processes information just like the information that the teacher passes across to the students.
Drug addiction is one thing that can damage your brain. Certain drugs and substances such as cocaine, marijuana and steroids endanger the healthy condition of the brain. So, if you are a drug addict then you have to stop now because you are at risk of suffering from brain damage.
Another thing you have to avoid is high blood pressure. High blood pressure affects the flow of blood round the body. This abnormal flow of blood has adverse effect on the brain cells thus leading to brain damage.
Research has shown that high blood pressure is caused by stress and depression. So you have to avoid all causes of stress and depression which include heartbreaks, conflict, divorce and unemployment.
Pamper your brain as much as you can and more importantly, as much as it needs because your entire body depends on it in one way or the other.